Lauren is a Signature Member as well as the former Membership Director of the Vermont Watercolor Society. She is also a member of the Virginia Watercolor Society and the Central Virginia Watercolor Guild, having recently relocated to Virginia from Vermont. She spent the last 30 years in public education and is still the Executive Director of a non-profit educational service agency in the Burlington, Vermont area part time. She loves to paint whenever she can, either in her studio or plein air.
Lauren returned to art in February 2015 (having studied fine art in college) and tried watercolor for the first time. Her work includes Vermont and Virginia landscapes and streetscapes. In January 2017, she created some politiscapes that have become part of the political activist campaign for Emerge Vermont. Her work has been juried in shows throughout Vermont.
Lauren Wooden Watercolors
E-mail: laurenmwooden@gmail.com
Phone: 802-309-9265