After endless trimming, edging and rolling paint onto the cabin walls of our new little Virginia oasis away from it all, it was time to head back to work and also to the studio. (Once my arthritis allowed my fingers to open up again!)
I threw out the first attempt at painting for pleasure as my muscle memory was spotty and I needed to reconnect for a bit. (It looked like crap!) Then I went to the mountains and it started to come back. So - I played with sky and mountains and my messy palette gave me lots of color options to work with. I have this habit of painting a pretty sky and mountains and then as I add in trees, the colors and foreground so overshadow the sky and mountains, that they become just background elements.
With these two paintings, I worked at getting more balance.
I want to continue to stretch and so after looking at these two recent landscapes, I realized I gravitate consistently to scenic endeavors. Love to immerse into the scenic on my walks and hikes and photos.... and apparently, now that I look back at what I have painted so far, that's what I paint! Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I want to try to stretch....and so today in the studio I think I will attempt something different. A creature of habit, this has me puzzling - perhaps a hybrid - something from one of my photos from Virginia, but rather than a full setting, I may zoom into something.
Getting to this point in my life where I can spend several hours painting (or hiking or golfing) and not have to worry that my parenting or eldercare duties are waiting for me is one of the joys of getting old. I don't want to waste the freedom to explore and create!
- Lauren