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Week 3: Rocks

We practiced rocks over the week in between classes.  This is the one I started in class and finished home that is a copy of a painting I found on Pinterest.  It was a bit of a challenge - as moving water drives me a bit crazy. 

At home we were supposed to do a 'cairn' and I remembered that I had taken a photo when we were in Ireland of Conor Pass.  So, I found it and painted that.  Not exactly as I wanted it.  But I am all 'rocked out'! 

After a crazy busy week, it was good to get back into a bit of painting.  Hopefully will have a little bit more time for a bit.

Fran and I were doing rocks at the same time in here on this rainy Sunday.  Very fun!  I think this coming week in flowers. Stay tuned.

- Lauren

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